Monday, January 22, 2007

Next Hoot: Superbowl Sunday

I'm sure you guys talked about the upcoming hootenannys, but for some reason I feel like pointing out that our next hoot is on Superbowl Sunday.

Sorry I missed you all yesterday. Hope all were safe in the snow.


sobohon said...

Uh oh! I didn't realize that. Guess we should hoot early, then stay and watch the game!

banjopete said...

Will the Super Bowl interuption mean we hoot two weeks in a row because of the anniversary or do we just skip it until the anniversary? Also, what's the time date and place of the anniversary?

Dave said...

I'll be off taking advantage of an invitation to spend super bowl weekend down in ocean city, so I'll be missing the super bowl hoot. See posting about the hooten-anniversary.