Thursday, January 4, 2007

Here Is My Great Big Dumb Idea. Suck it.

Hi everyone.

I decided to start one of these bloggy things for the growing South Baltimore hootenanny crowd. We can post, rant, blah blah, blah blah blah whatever on this here site. It's getting to the point that I'm losing track of email addresses and our email strings are getting ten to the power of ten times too long. One of the fancy-ass scientists can do the math.

Not that I mind. I think we should be the biggest baddest hootenanny around, kicking all the other hootenanny's asses.

If you think this is a dumb idea, I don't want to hear it. I mean, come on! I just sprained my ankle and am getting divorced. Where's the love? Buy me beers! Love the blog!


Jeffrey said...

I think this is SANFRANTASTIC! Great Idea!

sobohon said...

Way to go, Issy! So, this is what blogs are for...I never knew.


Belle said...

Actually, Kelly, we obliged to talk about either sex or celebrity gossip at some point.

sobohon said...

What? Your gonna do KFed or FedX or whatever his name is?

Unknown said...

It's a fantastic notion.

Looking forward to Sunday.

Sir Robin

banjopete said...

What fun! "Big Music. Tiny Beers." Sounds like a T-shirt opportunity to me. We can sell them to offset the cost of broken strings.

Dave said...

Great idea! Thanks for setting this up and I'll see everybody Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture of Fofrt Ave at sunset. too bad we're usually inside and half lit by that time.