Thursday, March 6, 2008


It was so cool with Niko and his trumpet last week. Do we know anyone with a tuba? Been listening to some old Bad Livers, Delusions of Banjer, specifically.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sobo Hon. I've been out of town for Lebowski Fest and just got back. You want a tuba player? I can get you a tuba player, WITH circular breathing abilities. Not for free though. He lives near Ocean City and would (I think)request gas money to travel to a hootenanny. I've trying to get him travel to this side of the bay for a while and I haven't been successful, unfortunately. I will see e'rbody on Sunday.

Something's wrong with the blogger account so I'm publishing this anonymously. - Mr. Thing

sobohon said...

Hey there, Mr. Thing,

Surely there is a tuba player this side of the bay that won't charge us. I know I'm not willing to pay folks to show up for a good time hootin'!

You know you can sign in now & post if you want to, right?